What’s the no.1 diet on the planet? Part 2

What’s the no.1 diet on the planet? Part 2

Previously, we have looked at the views of Marion Nestle to summarise updated thoughts on what is actually the healthiest diet available. Together with Christopher’s own extensive research into optimal dietary plans, it is fair to surmise that plant-based diets are actually the healthiest diets around. This is due to them being extremely natural and most importantly that they have been the staple diet for much of the human population for thousands of years, without a need for excessive animal meats and fats.

Deeper research

As stated, this opinion is not taken lightly, and Chris goes into even more detail in the video to look at the professional opinions of research bodies and government health institutions around the world to see if their findings are similar. The results of this research can be seen in the video, and here is a brief summary:

– A report by the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee found that healthy diets are based less around red and processed meats and sugary foods and grains. Instead, vegetables, fruits, legumes and other plant-based foods form the basis of healthy diets; as well as a lower alcohol intake.

– The 2015 Dutch food-based dietary guidelines advise a similar tendency towards favouring plant-based diets rather than those that are animal-based.

– Nordic Nutrition Recommendations from 2012 again follow the same patterns as they believe these diets lead to lower rates of chronic diseases that come about as a result of Western diets.

– 2013 Australian Guidelines state there needs to be more plant-based foods in the typical Australian diet, as well as more eggs and seafood.

– Japan recommends a diet based on only around 20% animal-based food intake.

– Finally, the American Dietetic Association believe that vegetarian and vegan diets are perfectly capable of providing all the nutritional value one would require at any stage of a lifetime, and can also lead to a lower chance of certain illnesses and diseases.

What should we do next?

Chris goes on to summarise that, as the research suggests, there is overwhelming worldwide evidence that plant-based diets are very healthy and believes these should be encouraged on a greater scale. With proper monitoring of these diets and checking that everyone is receiving the correct amount of these respective foods, we can start to measure the exact benefits it can offer on a more global scale. For a more in depth summary of these findings and to better hear about this matter to help you make up your mind as to whether your diet needs some changes, check out the video.

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