Tips for exercising with lower back pain

Tips for exercising with lower back pain

If you suffer from lower back pain, it’s important that you take steps to exercise safely and carefully in order to prevent further injury. Many people shy away from exercise when suffering from back pain, but avoiding exercise altogether can exasperate the problem as well as lead to other conditions such as obesity, which in turn can lead to heart disease, diabetes and other chronic illnesses. With the right exercises, you can benefit from increased mobility and pain relief through self-care, ultimately caring for your current injury, as well as preventing future health issues.

Tips for exercising with a lower back injury

Before you begin exercising with a lower back injury, it’s important at the beginning to not push yourself too far. Go as far as you can without feeling pain, and if it begins to hurt, that’s your body’s way of telling you to stop.

  1. Begin with basic stretches

Stretching can help to increase your muscle strength and prevent further injuries from occurring, and you should never begin exercise without making sure your muscles are warmed up first. Begin with some floor stretches such as kneeling on all fours with stretching your arms out in front of you, which can be done with a roller if you need some extra assistance.

  1. Choose low-impact exercises to begin with

Launching yourself straight into circuits or into a weightlifting regime will no doubt worsen your injury, as well as put you off exercising due to the intensity of the training. Instead, begin with gentler exercises which can help to build up your fitness gradually and improve your back strength over time. Exercises such as yoga and swimming are ideal for those with lower back pain, while walking on an incline (either outdoors or on a treadmill) will be gentler than running, but will still boost your fitness.

  1. Work on your overall core strength

Many back problems are caused by a weak core, so focus on exercises which strengthen your entire core (your torso, abs, etc.) in order to provide the right support to your back muscles. This could begin with resistance bands and other aids, building up to planks and squats which will become easier as your core strength increases.

Make sure you get the OK from your doctor before you begin to exercise, while a consultation with a personal trainer or sports injury specialist could help you to design a training programme that is mindful of your injury and will build towards getting your strength and fitness back. Contact us today for more information.

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