Exercise for fitness – the first steps

Exercise for fitness – the first steps


All of us would love to get that little bit fitter. Whether it’s for health reasons, to tone up or to have a better general level of fitness – exercise is one of the best ways. If you want to start making lifestyle changes and regularly exercise for fitness, that’s great but it can be hard to know where to start. This article gives you some ideas on the best way to start your fitness journey. The phrase ‘the longest journey starts with a single step’ is so true when it comes to fitness, so here’s some advice to help you.

It’s personal

Fitness is personal and every person has a different approach, with their own priorities and obstacles. It’s important to think about what matters to you as you start your fitness programme. Try and set yourself some goals, whether it’s losing a certain amount of weight or being able to walk up the stairs without getting breathless. The best goals are personal, achievable and measurable so try and think about what you want to get out of your exercise routine.

Get some guidance

If you haven’t had much experience with exercising for fitness, it’s important that you don’t just jump in and injure yourself. Working with a professional, like a personal trainer, can be a great way to figure out what’s the best fitness plan for you and how you can achieve your goals. If you want to hit the gym, a session with a personal trainer can teach you how to use the equipment, what will be best for you and how to stay safe while you work out. They can also help you to form a practical and achievable fitness plan, for a sustainable solution to health and fitness, looking at the whole body. Check out our video about the benefits of one-to-one personal training for more information.

Be patient

Unfortunately you’re not going to wake up the day after your first gym session and have the perfect body, but with time and patience, you will be amazed at the difference exercise for fitness can make. By following a weekly plan, keeping up with your exercise routine even if you don’t feel like it and being patient, you can make lasting changes to your general fitness.

Click here for information on exercise for fitness and a personal programme to help you start your fitness journey. For useful tips on exercising for fitness, our Youtube channel has loads of great, informative videos on how to exercise well.

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